4Ps of ERP Support

Thursday May 12, 2022

ERPs in the world are yet achieve the level sophistication that either they are so simple or intuitive that any user can use it without any user support. Contrary to utopian dream of plug and play ERPs users of modern ERPs need not periodic but continuous user support keep them afloat in sea of functionality and labyrinth of processes.

We believe that success of any ERP support depends on four main pillars. They are policies, processes, platforms and undeniably the people.


The organizational level policy on user support plays a pivotal role in shaping the ERP user support landscape of an organization. The policy framework influences the availability of support, expected service levels at each level of support and comparative weightage allocated user support aspect among the total IT activities. 


Processes define framework within which the user support is executed. The modes available to report and issue, the initial response, degree of processing at the first level support in cases of a multi layered support organization, assigning priority, escalation handling, user feedbacks and anything and everything in support execution is process driven.


Support platform is the medium through which users interact with support experts, it is central ledger for all support issues and the tool to trace and track all support issues. Selection of platform is critical as it defines ways and means available for user to report an issue, modes available for content sharing, history tracking and most importantly provide leadership with vital data on process improvements and training need in the organization with intelligent processing of support issues over a period.


People on the either side of the aisle, namely the providers of support and receivers of support takes the center stage in any ERP support operation. The experience and expertise of the support professionals on ERP they support, level of understanding on the real business, communication together with empath of them will define the destiny of any support operation.

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